TEDDY – European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Clinical Research announces the Scientific Meeting and General Assembly entitled “The paediatric theme in the forthcoming clinical research scenario“, that will be held in Rome on December 19th, 2016.

The meeting venue is Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Padiglione Salviati, III Floor, Piazza Sant’Onofrio 4, Rome, Italy.

The meeting has been organised in collaboration with INCiPiT (the Italian Network for Paediatric Clinical Trials) and in the framework of the EU-funded Project GRiP (Global Research in Paediatrics – Network of Excellence).

TEDDY annual General Assemblies are the occasion to discuss relevant achievements, forthcoming novelties in paediatric clinical research landscape and to plan TEDDY Network’s activities and priorities. The meeting is intended to offer a paramount vision on the clinical research in children and present the most recent TEDDY initiatives at European and National level together with concrete and realistic plans to address some of the most relevant priorities in the paediatric research agenda.

The main topics of the meeting will be:

  • Clinical research in adult and children: commonalities and specificities
  • Research Infrastructures in biomedicine, BBMRI, ECRIN and PedCRIN initiatives
  • Scientific expertise and specialty level needed to design scientifically-sounded paediatric trials and research
  • The role of national networks and initiatives in contributing to set up the European Paediatric Clinical Trial Research Infrastructure (EPCT-RI)
  • TEDDY Network activities and plan of action with particular reference to the now launched survey to map the paediatric trials competences and capacities at site level, the Inventory of procedures for obtaining Paediatric Clinical Trials approvals, the work carried out by the TEDDY Working Group on Off Label Use in Paediatrics (GOLUP) and the role of TEDDY in ENCePP.

In addition, a closing roundtable about the paediatric clinical trials sustainability in the framework of the Paediatric Regulation has been planned as well as a dedicated session to the official access of new partners in the TEDDY network.

Here you can download the meeting agenda, that can be browsed even through mobile devices.

For any information about the meeting and for registration, please contact the Organisational Secretariat at [email protected].

About the Author: admin


By Published On: December 5th, 2016Categories: News0 Comments