fondazione sud

The workshop entitled “From Nucleic Acid to Personalized Medicine: Innovative approaches to Early Diagnosis and Therapy of Diseases At High Social Impact” is the final meeting within the project “Verso la Medicina Personalizzata: Sviluppo di nuove molecole selettive per la cura del Neuroblastoma” funded by Fondazione CON IL SUD in reply to the call Sviluppo Capitale umano Alta Qualificazione 2011. It will be held on November 16th, 2015 at Salone degli Affreschi, University “Aldo Moro” of Bari, Piazza Umberto I, 1.

The project, developed by Italian and foreign public research centres (CNR and RCSI-Dublin) with the support of the Italian Association for Industrial Research and the Gianni Benzi Foundation, is aimed at the strengthening of research in the field of groundbreaking new drugs based on oligonucleotide systems, the creation of a network able to support multidisciplinary research and technology transfer and at a higher education for young researchers.

During the workshop will be discussed, with a multidisciplinary vision, several aspects of the use of oligonucleotides in high social impact pathologies, from identification of specific sequences as markers of specific pathologies, to design and development of modified oligonucleotides with therapeutics and diagnostic applications.

Full agenda available here.

Registrations are available online at the dedicated website.

About the Author: mariangela
