The next meeting of the ID-EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure) project, entitled “EPTRI: una nuova Infrastruttura Europea per favorire la Ricerca Traslazionale in Pediatria” (EPTRI: a new European Research Infrastructure to foster the translation reserach in paediatrics), will be held on April 10th in Bari (Italy) at the Salone degli Affreschi of the University of Bari, in Piazza Aldo Moro, 1.
The ID-EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure) project, coordinated by Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche in the framework of the INFRADEV-01-2017 call for proposals, involves 26 partners from 19 European and non-European countries and aims to design a European Research Infrastructure (IR) entirely dedicated to pediatrics. EPTRI will act as a new complementary RI acting as a “paediatric common service” in the context of the existing RIs intended to link all the available competences and technologies useful to enhance research in paediatric medicines from drug discovery and early development phases to be translated into clinical phases and medicines uses.
The meeting will be aimed to give all participants a better understanding of the tasks and goals of the project and to illustrate the key elements of the new research infrastructure. The first part of the meeting will be focused on the global scenario around EPTRI and the role of RIs to strengthening research outcomes to improve patients’ health. The second part of the meeting will be dedicated to the presentation of the technical component of the infrastructure, with a particular focus on the operational plans of the five thematic platforms composing EPTRI as well as the importance of the patient engagement.
More information about the project are available here.
Further information on the project are available at the official EPTRI website: