A new scientific paper that saw the collaboration of Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche, has been published in July 2018 on “Transplantation” scientific journal. The authors, researchers from different Universities and Research Institutes of USA, UK and Italy, collaborated in this work aimed to discuss the aspects and the progress of the regenerative medicine (RM), a new biomedical area that can provide huge improvements in the field of the transplant medicine. As explained in the manuscript “[…] New, RM-inspired technologies among which decellularization, 3D printing and interspecies blastocyst complementation, promise organoids manufactured from patients’ own cells and bear potential to render the use of currently used allografts obsolete. […]. Transplantation, a field that has traditionally been immunology-based, is therefore destined to become a RM-based discipline.”

Overall, the manuscript intends to propose a definition of RM, and illustrate the state of the art of the most promising RM-based technologies of transplant interest and the possible interaction among these two biomedical areas.

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About the Author: maria


By Published On: October 8th, 2018Categories: News0 Comments