What You Can Learn from 7 Theme Fusion Success Stories
Nam lacinia arcu tortor, nec luctus nibh dignissim eu. Nulla sit amet maximus nulla. Pellentesque a accumsan eros, ac molestie nulla. Morbi interdum in neque vitae vulputate.
European Research and Innovation Days 2022
The European Research and Innovation Days will take place online on 28 and 29 September 2022, allowing everyone to get involved from [...]
Scientific publication: Ensuring a future for gene therapy for rare diseases
The paper “Ensuring a future for gene therapy for rare diseases” by Alessandro Aiuti, Francesca Pasinelli, and Luigi Naldini has been recently [...]
Mitochondrial Diseases Conference 2022
The 2022 Mitochondrial Diseases Conference, organized by Mitocon, will be held on 7th – 9th October at the Holiday Inn Rome EUR [...]
Task Force on Drug Repurposing GUIDEBOOK
IRDiRC's Therapies Scientific Committee (TSC) is establishing a Task Force on Drug Repurposing Guidebook aimed at helping developers identify specific tools and practices of relevance for [...]
New IRDiRC Publication
The International Rare Diseases Research Consortium (IRDiRC) is proud to announce the publication of a commentary on 10 years of progress and challenges [...]
Newsletter, September 2021
30th September 2021 Newsletter September 2021 NEWS FROM CVBF NETWORK 1st International Conference on Rare Diseases and Paediatric research [...]
First paediatric expert patients training workshops: Applications are now opened
In the framework of the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJPRD), TEDDY European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Research is [...]
DEEP-2 study: the final results are available on EudraCT
We are glad to announce that the DEEP-2 study Phase III multicentre, randomised, open label, non-inferiority active-controlled trial aimed at comparing for the first time [...]
Emanuela Ruscitto from KIDS Bari shared her creative idea for year-end thanks from iCAN
It is possible to capture and communicate the essence of International Children's Advisory Network (iCAN) through the art? Can a drawing explain the importance of [...]
The new Erasmus+ Project Share4Brain will be kicked off very soon!
In December 2019 started Share4Brain (Sharing Good Practices for Brain Education in Europe), the project funded within the European Programme Erasmus Plus – Strategic partnership [...]
CVBF in the list of “2002 Leaders of the Growth” on Sole 24 Ore Journal
We are glad to announce that Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche was included in the list of “2020 Leaders of Growth”, realised by [...]
Newsletter, NOVEMBER 2019
29th November 2019 Newsletter November 2019 News 4th EPTRI General Assembly Meeting: remarking goals and future perspectives On 21 and 22 October the 4th EPTRI General [...]
By means of ARTI–Regional Agency for Technology and Innovation, Puglia Region launched “Estrazione dei Talenti” (Talents mining) action, aimed at funding custom training paths to [...]