The European Paediatric Formulation Initiative (EuPFI) works to improve the preparation of better and safer medicines for children. One area they are interested in is the “gadgets” or devices (e.g. measuring spoons, dosing cups, inhalers) that are used to help patients take their medicines. It is important that these devices are used properly to make sure the correct dose of medicine is taken.
The EuPFI devices workstream have designed a short questionnaire to understand what devices you or your child use and how easy they are to handle, to help to find ways of making the devices more user friendly.
EPTRI (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure) supports the mainland Europe dissemination and review of survey questions by the young members of Albanian, Italian and Spanish YPAGs (Young Persons Advisory Groups), respectively KIDS Albania, KIDS Bari and KIDS Barcelona, to guarantee that the language is comprehensible and children-friendly.
The survey is addressed to boys and girls between 10 to 18 years of age and their parents. It will take approximately 10-15 minutes to be completed. The survey is available in the following languages: English, Italian, Albanian and Spanish:
Albanian: Paediatric Devices Survey KIDS Albania
Italian: Paediatric Devices Survey KIDS Bari
Spanish: Paediatric Devices Survey KIDS Barcelona
English: Paediatric Devices Survey English