Over the years CVBF has established partnerships at national and international level with several stakeholders such as Hospitals, Universities, Companies,
Research organisations, Patients/parents associations
as well as public Institutions, Agencies and Ministries.
CVBF is a Partner in many National and EU Research Networks aimed at facilitating
the transfer of know-how
at different levels, thus strengthening scientific excellence
and promoting international research.
European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Research
TEDDY European Network of Excellence for Paediatric Research aims at promoting the integration of the paediatric pharmacological research activities and contribute to the development of safe and efficacious medicines for children. The Network is strongly proactive in the promotion and implementation of adequate health policies and a social awareness on the importance of the paediatric medicines across Europe. CVBF and TEDDY constantly collaborate in the themes of empowerment of paediatric patients and young people in the healthcare field and their involvement in the development process of medicines intended for children.
European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure
CVBF is the coordinator of the European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure (EPTRI), a research initiative focused on advancing paediatric science and accelerating the development of medicines, technologies, and medical devices for children. It brings together research units to foster collaboration and provide key services in preclinical, translational, and developmental research. EPTRI aims to create an open science platform where researchers can collaborate freely across geographical, institutional, and financial boundaries to enhance research capabilities and support stakeholders in paediatric drug and device development.
Associazione Italiana CRO
CVBF is member also of AICRO – Associazione Italiana Contract Research Organisation, founded in 2004 with the aim to ensure quality standards in the practice of clinical trials, promoting the use of GCP (Good Clinical Practice) and relevant regulations (GLP, GMP, etc.), as well as national and international guidelines, where applicable. AICRO collaborates with other authorities and recognised associations in order to further develop clinical research, particularly taking into account the benefit for the patients.
Italian Network for Paediatric Clinical Trails
The Italian Network for Paediatric Clinical Trials (INCiPiT) is a network coordinated by Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù and composed by the main Italian Paediatric Hospitals and Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care (IRCCS) and other Research Organisations like CVBF, with the aim to promote and support the conduction of all types of clinical trials in the paediatric population by all kinds of sponsor (academic investigators, pharmaceutical industries, contract research organisations).

INCiPiT logo
CVBF is part of H-BIO – The Regional High Technology District “Health and Biotechnology”, a high technology cluster, established as a Public&Private Consortium in September 2012 within the Framework Agreement between the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) and the Apulian Region. H-BIO aims at developing the regional cluster in the strategic sector of Health and Biotechnology, by bringing together the critical mass of scientific expertise and industries operating in the Region.
International Children’s Advisory Network
iCAN Network (International Children’s Advisory Network) is a worldwide consortium of Young Persons Advisory Groups (YPAGs) working together to provide a voice for children and families in health, medicine, research, and innovation through synergy, communication and collaboration. Currently, iCAN consists of 28 chapters across the globe corresponding to the different YPAGs generally known as KIDS. In 2017, CVBF in collaboration with TEDDY Network, promoted the creation of the first Italian and Albanian Young Persons Advisory Group, KIDS Bari and KIDS Albania. The members of both YPAGs (not associated with a particular health condition or disease) have been recruited through the hospitals and the patients’ associations, and have been selected according to their motivation and interest in improving health research.