Role of CVBF
The HTA-Thal Project “Inter-regional Network for Thalassemia: HTA for the diagnostic and therapeutic intervention for iron overload” was born from the observation that despite the use of chelators was largely integrated into current therapies, the results of these treatments were not sufficiently documented. The inter-regional network of thalassemia patients aimed therefore at the acquisition, elaboration and sharing of epidemiological, clinical, technical-engineering, organisational, managerial, ethical, legal, social and economic data related to the thalassemic population.
In particular, the project activities led to the identification of the available diagnostic techniques of iron monitoring, the evaluation of their effectiveness and related economic impact, the emission of recommendations for the optimization of the clinical, diagnosis and therapeutic paths, as well as the creation of the inter-regional register of thalassemic patients that currently includes approximately 2,000 thalassemic patients, of which epidemiological and clinical data are registered, together with their diagnostic and therapeutic history.
Italian Ministry of Health
(1) Regione Basilicata, Dip. Salute, Sic. e Solidar. Soc., Potenza; (2) Consorzio per Valutazioni Biologiche e Farmacologiche (CVBF), Pavia; (3) AUSL n. 4, Matera; (4) Associazione Microcitemici Campania, Castelvolturno; (5) Azienda Ospedaliera Cervello, Palermo; (6) AUSL Roma C – Osp. S. Eugenio, Roma; (7) Sezione di Scienze radiologiche del Dip. DIBIMEL, Policlinico Universitario, Palermo; (8) Istituto di Fisiologia Clinica, CNR, Pisa; (9) Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Arcispedale, S. Anna, Ferrara; (10) Unità di valutazione delle tecnologie, Policlinico “Gemelli”, Univ. Cattolica; (11) Istituto Scientifico Biomedico Euro Mediterraneo, Brindisi; (12) I.RI.D.I.A. SrL, Bari.