
Role of CVBF



EPIICAL is a 4-years project aimed to evaluate strategies to optimise the management of perinatal- ly HIV-infected children and to establish a predictive in vitro and in vivo platform to inform treatment strategies leading to HIV remission. The treatment strategies may include combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) as well as Novel Disease Modifying Therapies (NDMTs). These goals will be achieved through the creation of an innovative research platform developed from in vitro and in vivo proof of concept studies using the model of early treated HIV-infected children population. To validate this predictive platform, new immunological, virological and transcriptomic correlates/profiles of viral con- trol in children will be generated with data obtained from well-established cohorts/studies of early tre- ated HIV-infected children around the world (both observational cohorts and clinical trials cohorts).

Within the project framework, through its member Gianni Benzi Pharmacological Research Foun- dation, CVBF provides support in managing ethical, regulatory  and  legal  issues  on  the  secon- dary use of data and samples and is in charge of the preparation of submission packages for EPI- ICAL  proof  of  concept  study,  as  required  by  applicable  international/European/national  laws.


European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme



EU Contribution



4 years


(1) FONDAZIONE PENTA ONLUS, Italy; (2) Pediatrico Bambino Gesù (OPBG), Italy; (3) University College London (UCL), United Kingdom; (4) ASSOCIATION DE RECHERCHE EN VIROLOGIE (ARVD), France; (5) HOSPITAL 12 DE OCTUBRE, Spain; (6) HOSPITAL GREGORIO MARAÑÓN, Spain; (7)KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, Sweden; (8) IMPERIAL COLLEGE HEALTHCARE NHS TRUST (NHS), United Kingdom; (9) UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, USA; (10) UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PADOVA, Italy;  (11) STELLENBOSCH UNIVERSITY, South Africa; (12) HENRY M. JACKSON FOUNDATION, USA; (13) HIV I-BASE, USA; (14) UNIVERSITY OF KWAZULU-NATAL, South Africa; (15) JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY, USA; (16) UNIVERSITY OF UTRECHT, The Netherlands; (17) FACULTY OF MEDICINE, CHULALONGKORN, Thailand; (18) CONSORZIO PER VALUTAZIONI BIOLOGICHE E FARMACOLOGICHE (CVBF), Italy; (19) UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS Medical School (UMassMed), USA; (20) Qendra Spitalore Universitare Nene Tereza Tirane (UHCT), Albania; (21) TECHNION – Israel Institute of Technology (TECHNION), Israel; (22) Tartu Ulikool (UTARTU), Estonia; (23) Universitatsklinikum Erlangen (UKER), Germany; (24) Swiss Clinical Trial Organisation Verein (SwissPedNet), Switzerland; (25) State “Institute of Pediatrics Obstetrics and Gynecology National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (UKR), Ukraine; (26) Vastra Gotaland Lans Landsting (VGR), Sweden.